The soothing chocolate creamy taste

Is more worser than the whiskey burning feeling

The feeling that caresses and seduces your veins leaving the tore surface 

The touch of it so deep 

Leaving lips wet for a soothing session

And now behind my face

I drop red tears

Deep between cuts and piercings

Of desperate heart and soul

They displays the strength behind my existence

Then like it’s not enough

It’s behind my back

They are all getting down

Like I am not pretty enough for a day

My nights pass unseen

And the cloudy sky leaves me worried

With this final word

If am really worth it

If the warm cuddle of my palms

Leaves me undecided

If am comfortable or not

Then am close to forever

Help me out

He who can read my eyes

If you can see through my sick lips

My clear tears

My blank mind

Blow it up

Help me grow

Grow back roses on me

Wipe of my stains

The tap drop craving

Is all I have…


Published by ellyjoy

An artist with a taste of poetry...

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